Quality Materials
Big Box Stores vs. Supply Houses
When it comes to plumbing fixtures, not all products are created equal—even when they look identical on the outside. Large retailers like Home Depot or Lowe’s strike deals with manufacturers to offer products at lower prices, which frequently means compromising on the quality of materials used.
At The Plumbing Department, Inc., we source materials exclusively from trusted plumbing supply houses. This ensures that the fixtures we install in your home are of the highest quality and built to last. Even if the model numbers seem the same, the quality difference between what’s sold at a big-box store and a plumbing supply company can be significant.
Another benefit of purchasing materials through us is that we can assist you with any warranty issues that may arise. When we provide the fixture, we act as your advocate, helping to navigate warranty claims and ensuring that any issues are resolved quickly and smoothly. Choosing The Plumbing Department, Inc. means choosing high-quality materials and peace of mind. If you have any questions about where to purchase quality parts for your home, call us today!